Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Damn you College

I hate the college process. I've never really hated anything this much. I thought I hated schoolwork and world hunger until I had to start college applications. Turns out I didn't actually hate those other things, they were just kinda irksome. The only thing I really hate is the college process, hate isn't even a strong enough word to describe my feelings towards post secondary education, from now on I'm keying the term Nega-loathe, that's what I feel about College.

My old inspiration getting me through this was finally getting out of the house and leaving my prison-warden parents, but as the end of high school nears it seems theyre thinking of having me stick around a little longer. How will I ever be able to appreciate them without moving to the other end of the country?

Also I have a big issue with hollywood, more specifically college movies, even more specifically the movie "American Pie: Beta House". Now I went and rented this movie as soon as it dropped, because the voice over in the commercial said I had to, and he was right I did like it. In fact I liked it so much I actually started to think that college was actually like that. Oh was I wrong! I went on a college tour with a buddy of mine a few months later where we spent the night in one of their dorms. However contrary to American Pie, I was not greeted by many scantly clad women, nor did I throw water ballons filled with my own bodily fluids at our rival fraternity. I didn't even get to do body shots off of strippers.

Exactly what kind of fine learning establishment was I visiting. If I wanted to do none of the above mentioned things I would have just continued to live with my parents. What will I do in my free time at this "school"? Study!?! Puhleeez.

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