Friday, September 11, 2009

Douche Bags Steal Entire Blogs

It is often said that good artists borrow while great artists steal, I would like to make an amendment to that, from now on I’d like for the saying to say "Good artists borrow, Great artists steal, but only Douche Bags steal entire blogs."

It has recently come to my attention that there’s another blogger who has totally robbed me of every single one of my posts. She goes by the name of “Girl on the Run” which leads me to believe that I’m not the first person this hack has stolen jokes from. Not only do I feel violated as my entire blog has been ran sacked, but this blog thief had the audacity to not only steal my material but then slightly tweak it in hopes that no one would notice it. REALLY?!? Really, Girl on the Run, if that is your real name and I’m sure it’s not, did you actually believe that by changing a few words and using the synonyms tool on Word no one would have been able to trace where you got your articles. Please give the people who read blogs some credit, they aren’t idiots.

To add insult to my already bleeding injury she didn’t only embezzle me out of my personal opinions she embezzled me out of all of my personal information. In my first two blog entries I talked about myself, my childhood, my dreams and, the times I’ve shared with my friends and she robbed me of that as well. What kind of monster are you? You stole my childhood! And of course once again she tweaked it slightly, changing my birth city from Toronto, Canada to…. Wait for it….. Keep waiting…. This will blow your mind…. Here it comes…. DALLAS, TEXAS!! Exactly what kind of Inbreed, Red Neck was I robbed by? A Texan? This better be some twisted joke because to disgrace the great city of Toronto by comparing it to the Backwoods of Texas that is Dallas is a crime worthy of death. But she didn’t stop there; I wouldn’t have gone on this rant if Girl on the Run had stopped there. That Bull riding, Cousin Marrying, Confederate sympathizer didn’t even check her grammar and punctuation, which she would have known is an all time pet peeve of mine if she had spent a little more time reading my pieces and a little less time STEALING THEM!

This is your final warning Girl on the Run, my friends and I politely asked you to remove my posts from your excuse of a blog, but now I have no other choice but to put you on notice. If you do not cease and desist your thievery I will personally make sure that the entire blogging community world wide sends you so many hate emails and death threats that the only computer in Texas crashes and you have no other means of continuing your lying and stealing ways. Because no one likes a thief, or a Texan.

For those of you who would personally like to see the thief’s blog it can be found at:


  1. Dear David,

    I haven't seen you in ages, but I will personally send you (a drawing of) a baseball bat (that you need to buy.

    Then we can both go over to Dallas and after we're done, the girl on the run won't be able to run anymore :P :)

    Yours truly, Karan

  2. Harsh words, mi amigo.
